A traditional facelift

A traditional facelift or forehead lift is the most encompassing of the facial plastic surgery procedures available. It addresses the sagging mid-face, jowls, and neck. A limited incision or mini facelift surgery allows for correction of mild to moderate signs of aging through an incision that is much less extensive or invasive. This incision is often limited to the front of the ear and to a lesser extent behind the ear. A mini facelift helps elevate the sagging face and refinement of the jaw, but is not as comprehensive for improving the aging neck.

Facelift procedures can be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as eyelid tucks to rejuvenate aging eyes, and brow lifts to correct a sagging brow.

Recovery:Healing time is highly variable, but most patients’ experience moderate swelling and some bruising that can persist up to 2 weeks. Sutures are usually removed within the first week after surgery. It is best to avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for 2-3 weeks after surgery to minimize the chances of bleeding. It often takes several months for swelling to fully resolve, and 6 months or longer for the incision scars do fade.

After your consultation with your local plastic surgeon in Seattle WA you should have a clear understanding of the different treatment options for improving the appearance of your face and neck as well as any other areas such as your forehead and eyes. The selection of a specific procedure will be determined by your physical examination and expectations.

Nasal Contouring Surgery

Moving the nasal bones usually requires an osteotomy or cut in the nasal bones using a special osteotome or bone cutting device. When osteotomy is performed, patients usually will experience black and blue discoloration around their eyes and this may last for several weeks. Because of the extensive undermining of tissues with all types of rhinoplasty procedures, the blood supply of the skin can be compromised. For this reason these procedures are usually not performed in smokers. Occasionally, surgery on the nasal dorsum involves adding tissue and this can be the patient’s own tissue or some type of artificial material. Another aspect of rhinoplasty surgery involves whether the nasal bones, fractured or manipulated.

Oftentimes, rhinoplasty procedures are categorized as either open or closed. An open rhinoplasty procedure involves an incision across the columella which is the thin strip of skin that extends from the tip of your nose to your upper lip. This small incision allows complete exposure of the nasal tip cartilages for suturing and shaping the nasal tip. The tip cartilages can be manipulated to some degree without an open approach and this is called a closed rhinoplasty because the incisions are all hidden within the nostrils. It is important for you to discuss what options may be most beneficial to you with your plastic surgeon based upon your anatomy as well as your goals and expectations.


Devices employed by orthodontists and top rated dentists are classified as fixed and removable. Fixed devices are more common because they achieve more permanent and ideal outcomes. Common fixed devices include brackets,orthodontic bands, and archwires for the the mouth and teeth. Headgear may be prescribed for more severe molar and jaw issues. Fixed devices are able to rotate teeth to form the arched shape of the mouth, move multiple teeth at once, adjust the long axis angle or tilt of teeth, and adjust teeth root conditions.

Treatment options are prescribed by orthodontists based on indexes applied to a patient’s condition. Modern indexes include descriptions of malocclusions and the degrees of severity associated with them. For instance, the Index of Orthodontic Dental Treatment Need contains descriptions of malocclusions such as overjet, overbite, and displacement. Degrees of maloclussions are quantified in millimeters. Based on the degree, a grade and treatment option are prescribed. For instance, an overjet of greater than 6mm and less than or equal to 9mm warrants a Grade 4 rating. Grade 4 stipulates treatment required. Grades range from 1 to 5 and stipulate “no treatment required” to “moderate treatment need” to “treatment required”.

Orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry possesses many important benefits and risks. Potential benefits include easier chewing and biting, an ideal smile, corrected speech problems, a realignment of facial features, and repaired jaw mechanics. Possible risks include irreversible damage to the roots of teeth. Orthodontic devices accelerate root resorption which can wear away tissue in the roots of teeth. An additional risk is the potential buildup of plaque. Oftentimes, fixed devices trap plaque against the teeth leading to cavities. Cleaning teeth becomes more difficult.

Steps Involved in Rhinoplasty Surgery.

Rhinoplasty is often presented in popular culture as a simple cosmetic surgery but in truth it is a critical medical procedure involving nuanced processes designed to improve the nasal area either for aesthetic or health purposes. People who wish to improve their appearance may wish to have a bump erased or the angle of their nose tilted to a more favorable position. More serious considerations are taken into account if rhinoplasty is being conducted for health reasons such as blunt trauma, respiratory difficulties or congenital birth defects. Whatever the motivation the basic principles behind the procedural steps involved in rhinoplasty have remained largely unchanged.

Step 1. Consultation on the procedure.

The first thing a trained surgeon does is to speak to a patient so as to definitively understand exactly what is motivating him or her to get the procedure. The surgeon will inform the patient of any potential risk and use images or videos to explain exactly what the medical operation will involve.

Step 2. Administration of Anesthesia.

Unless a patient is predisposed to allergic reactions then a doctor determine whether to use general anesthesia or intravenous application. Local anesthesia numbs pain around the nose alone while intravenous sedatives relax a patient into a deep sleep.

3. Slitting Into The Nasal Region.

In determining rhinoplasty procedure steps the single most important decision for a surgeon is determining whether to perform open or closed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty involves a cut across the columella while in closed rhinoplasty the incisions aren’t visible because they are made inside the nasal passages.

4. Keeping an Eye on Vital Signs.

During any surgery the surgeon must have assisting staff whose job it is to ensure that a patient`s vital signs remain within acceptable parameters. These vital signs include heart rate, temperature, blood pressure and respiration all of which help assess whether a patient is experiencing difficulties.

5. Restructuring Nasal Anatomy.

In order to grasp how this is done it is necessary to understand how the nose is naturally configured. The upper part of the nose is made of bone while the lower part is mainly supported by cartilage . In order to reshape the nose a surgeon will use cartilage from places where it may be unnecessary such as the ears, ribs or even the nose itself. Alar cartilage is found at the lower end of the nose and it is what determines the shape of a nasal tip in terms of sharpness and width.

The septum is what divides the nasal cavity in half and if it is damaged then a patient experiences pain and frequent nose bleeds. This can be corrected by using cartilage to straighten out the septum to allow for easier air flow.

6. Repairing The Incision.

In rhinoplasty procedure steps the final phase is as critical as the first because if the nose is not delicately sealed up again then all the work done thus far could be in vain or worse create even more health complications. Surgeons use dissolvable stitches to sow up the incisions and nasal airway splints are put in place to hold up the passage ways so they do not sink and collapse into themselves before adequate healing has occurred.

Once the procedure is done a patient can look at themselves in the mirror to observe changes made or wait a while for everything to heal and then pass judgement on whether the procedure was a success or not.

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Understanding Closed Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

A closed rhinoplasty commonly known as endonasal rhinoplasty involves creating the incisions right inside one’s nose. This method, doesn’t leave any visible scar unlike when the open rhinoplasty is done.

Differences between open and closed rhinoplasty

The two methods share a number of similar incisions. However, the main difference between them is that closed rhinoplasty is associated with only internal or endonasal incisions meaning that there is no single incision outside the an individual’s nose, but rather inside the rim of the nostrils. On the other hand, open rhinoplasty majorly ensures that an incision is made at the columella base, which is specifically the narrow wall of the soft tissues which separate the nostrils. However, this makes the surgeon to easily lift off the skin tight from the nose so as to have a better view of bones and cartilage to ensure that shaping is carried out as required. Closed rhinoplasty is said to be a more complex procedure that requires a lot of skills from the surgeon, and it’s benefits are much clear and demonstrable when compared to open rhinoplasty.

closed rhinoplasty recovery time

The major advantage that closed rhinoplasty has when compared to open rhinoplasty is that it’s far less invasive ,meaning that there aren’t any visible scars and the patient can have a quicker recovery time. Due to lack of surgical dissections, one has the ability to make targeted improvements from time to time which is of enormous advantage. Also, closed rhinoplasty tends to have a short procedure time and this can be able to reduce the amount of postoperative bruising and swelling. The procedure lacks risk of external scarring since the incisions are done outside of the nose’s internal structure. Apart from this, the procedure is also limited in terms of the scope of revisions that can be made to the nose.

In a closed rhinoplasty procedure, the recovery time is easier and more predictable when compared to open rhinoplasty. If in any case the surgeon is indelicate or even tries to make some revisions that are much significant, the procedure can be a more traumatic.

In closed rhinoplasty, the options available for reshaping an individual’s nose include altering the nose’s tip, removing a hump, narrowing the nostrils or bridge, or any other combination that leads to the right nose for one’s face. Also understand that not all nasal surgeries can be done using the closed procedure. In most cases, it is usually done under general anesthesia.

Advantage of closed rhinoplasty procedure

Although there might be some confusion on the type of surgical procedure you should consider, we have a few advantages of closed rhinoplasty which patients may wish to consider as follows :

– Doesn’t result to visible external scars

– Has less post operative swelling of the tip

– better nasal tip support

– Has a short operating time meaning that there is less anesthesia

– Takes little time for one to return to normal appearance

In conclusion, closed rhinoplasty requires a highly skilled surgeon with working in small spaces and limited visibility.

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Disadvantages of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, generally referred to as a nose job, is a type of surgery that is tailored towards changing the appearance of your nose in a subtle fashionable way. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed every year. Like any other surgical operation, Rhinoplasty has its risks. That is why it is very imperative to understand the risks associated with any surgical operation before going under the knife.
Most rhinoplasty procedures are problem-free, but not all. Therefore, it is necessary that all patients understand the potential side effects associated with this procedure. Below are some of the disadvantages of rhinoplasty.

Risks associated with Anesthesia
Candidates undergoing filler rhinoplasty are often sedated with local anesthesia which has less anesthesia-related risks. On the other hand, patients seeking secondary rhinoplasty will need general anesthesia, which carries more risks including;
â ¢Allergic reactions towards anesthesia
â ¢Aspiration
â ¢Nausea and vomiting
â ¢Increased blood pressure
These risks are greater in patients with medical conditions. Allowing your doctor to perform a thorough medical examination will greatly help to reduce such risks.

Pain after surgery
Rhinoplasty involves extensive alteration of the nasal bone and cartilage which may result in pain after the operation which is however manageable. Pain medication is prescribed to the patient to reduce the pain.

Possible swelling
It’s a common side effect from almost all operations. You might notice some swelling around the eyes and nose in the days following the surgery. Fortunately, the swelling subsides significantly after approximately two weeks. The swelling might extend up to six months but will not be easily noticeable.

The degree of bruising is greatly determined by the sensitivity of the patient and the type of rhinoplasty. The bruising can last up to ten days. While bruising is not a sign of any serious complication, closely monitoring your condition is considered vital.

You might notice minimal bleeding 2-3 days post the surgery. These are busted blood vessels during the surgery trying to heal. This is however very rare and you should seek medical attention in case there bleeding is too much.

Rhinoplasty involves incisions and tissue alteration which might cause temporal disruption of nerves. In turn, this causes numbness at the tip of the nose and on the roof of the mouth. Luckily, this is short-term and usually resolves by the end of the second week after the surgery. Cases of long-term nerve damage are very minimal, especially if a qualified and experienced surgeon performs the procedure.

Scarring is a major concern for most rhinoplasty patients. Most candidates are worried about chances of long-term scarring. Usually, the scarring should not be long-term visible. However, factors such as infection and smoking might worsen the appearance of the scar.

In order to minimize the occurrence of these side effects, it is paramount to choose an experienced and licensed professional for the surgical procedure. Doing so helps you proceed with confidence and will hopefully minimize the risk for short and long-term side effects. Following pre and post-surgery instructions from your doctor plays even a larger role in the recovery process.

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Open Rhinoplasty Recovery – How Long Does It Take to Recover

Rhinoplasty refers to cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed on the nose to enhance its appearance by either reshaping or resizing it. This procedure may also be done with the aim of improving the functionality of the nose or the appearance. It can also be done to enhance facial beauty, correct birth defects, eradicate breathing problems or get rid of trauma. Although rhinoplasty is quite popular among A-list celebrities, its popularity has increased over the years with many people going for it with the main motivation being correcting the shape of the nose. Even then, it should be clear that the results are not instant and can only be experienced months after the procedure.

Open Rhinoplasty

There are two major types of rhinoplasty namely open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. The open technique means that there is an incision made in the tissue below the nostrils. This area is opened in order for the surgeon to perform the procedure. The benefits of this method include a higher degree of visibility and the ability to more easily maneuver the cartilage and bone. This is helpful when there is a large amount of correction to be done.

The surgeon has more control of precision with the open method. The negative aspect of this method is that it has longer recovery time. Because the surgery is more intrusive, there will be a higher degree of swelling, bruising and pain and for a longer period of time when compared to the closed type.

Open Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

Recovering from rhinoplasty can be a delicate and daunting task. Many people wonder what to expect during the recovery period and how long the period actually lasts. When it comes to pain, the average patient will suffer moderate to severe pain and discomfort from roughly day 2 until day 10 after the procedure. It is possible to have swelling from 1 to 6 weeks for the closed surgery, but for the open rhinoplasty which requires the opening of the nasal passageways, it may be as much as 6 months. You may even experience numbness on the tip of your nose for several weeks after the procedure.

It’s important to remember that during this rhinoplasty recovery period you will be required to change the bandages every week or so as well as staying away from any type of work or exercise for at least 2 weeks. Unfortunately, the final results of the procedure cannot be seen immediately but rather only after about 2 years.

During the recovery period, your nose might appear bruised, crooked, swollen, numbed and painful at the same time. Luckily like any procedure, there are ways to help speed up the recovery process, but certain precautions must be taken in doing so. Your doctor may recommend either a warm or cold compress depending on the underlying circumstances, and you should listen to them as it will help speed up your recovery. It is important that you take no nasal medications for at least 3 months after the completion of the procedure and that includes the use of a humidifier or a saline solution nasal spray. The obvious it to not pick your nose, or even blow it for a period of 4 weeks as this may cause bleeding and has even been known to cause asymmetrical healing issues as the cartilage attempts to heal itself.

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